Phil Bredesen Admired Ted Kennedy, Called Barack Obama ‘A Rock Star’

Singing the praises of Barack Obama.

Drowning himself in affection for the late Democratic U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.

Pining away for the good old days of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

A sampling of some of Democratic U.S. senatorial candidate Phil Bredesen’s past speeches and media interviews indicate he is a loyal and faithful servant to the Democratic Party.

At a 2009 Tennessee Democratic Party Jackson Day event, Bredesen spoke of Kennedy, who died four days prior.

“Everyone’s hearts are a little heavier when we think about the loss of Senator Ted Kennedy, who cared so much about so many issues, including those of health care,” Bredesen said to audience members, adding Kennedy pushed for health care reform in a civil manner.

I had the honor of meeting him 40 years ago when I made my very first run for public office. I was naïve about politics, but he made a deep impression on me.”

Bredesen praised former President Bill Clinton at the event and said good things about Clinton’s tenure in office.

At the same event, Bredesen referred to Obama, in only his first year as U.S. president, as “a transformational political figure.”

After a 2008 U.S. presidential debate between Obama and former Republican U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona at Belmont University, Bredesen told the media he was “a strong Obama supporter.”

“I thought he did a great job. I really liked his answers to the questions and, in many ways, I thought they were a lot more nuanced (than McCain’s),” Bredesen said.

“McCain for me was, well, I’ve got my talking points and I’ve got my ideology and this is what I’m going to keep hammering all day.”

According to a 2008 edition of The Times Leader of Martins Ferry, Ohio, Bredesen stumped for Obama in that state during Obama’s first presidential campaign.

“I think he’s a man who could be a transformational character,” Bredesen reportedly said.

“I think this country needs some re-dealing of the cards, and he has the willingness to move money around and to help people.”

According to The Chattanooga Times Free Press in 2011, Bredesen announced plans to campaign for Obama’s re-election, despite Tennessee’s deep red credentials.

According to Politico, Bredesen called Obama “a rock star” before Obama’s acceptance speech in Denver at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

As for Bredesen’s talents as a soothsayer, he told The Times Free Press in 2011 he had “no intention of ever running for public office again.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].








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2 Thoughts to “Phil Bredesen Admired Ted Kennedy, Called Barack Obama ‘A Rock Star’”

  1. […] as reported, Bredesen has previously praised former Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy and called former […]

  2. Ron W

    This comment re: Obama in 2008 says a lot, “I really liked his (Obama’s)answers to the questions and, in many ways, I thought they were a lot more nuanced (than McCain’s),” Bredesen said.

    “Nuanced”, being able to talk without taking a definite position and saying what you really think.
